Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Praise be to God, that in this great Dispensation, the glances of divine favour have embraced the people of Israel, that the promises of the Prophets of old might be fulfilled, in the realm of visible existence. - Abdul Baha

In care of Jinab-i-Amin, Tehran.
To Aqa Mirza Aziz'u'llah Khan, the Tailor.
Upon him be the Glory of God.

He is God!

O Spiritual Friend! Signs of divine assistance, in this blessed year, are radiating from all horizons, even as the rays of dawn. Verses of proof are chanted in village and city alike and whole streams of heavenly blessing flow throughout societies the world over.

From every side an anthem is raised, and from every land a melody and refrain. These are the overall bestowals of God. Give ear to the cry of "Ya Baha'u'l-Abha", ascending to the Concourse on High, and to the call of "Ya Ali'u'l-Ala," imparting joy and rapture to the ears of (those in) the Kingdom.

The friends must be at the apex of joy and happiness because, thanks to God, the desires of the pure in heart and the utmost wish of luminous souls, are now visible and manifest through the bounty and grace of His Holiness (Baha'u'llah), the Supreme Goal.

The Beloved One of our desire is present in this gathering in His Most Great Beauty and has manifested Himself to all the friends. Jinab-i-Amin has the utmost praise for the spiritual meetings of the friends of Jewish heritage, who in truth have taken great steps and made every effort toward service in the Cause of God.

At this point, I wish very much to bring each and all to mind and write a word for each of those dear friends who are in my heart. Alas, time does not permit mention of each, one by one, so they will be given recognition together. Know that Jinab-i-Amin has made mention of each individual.

Praise be to God, that in this great Dispensation, the glances of divine favour have embraced the people of Israel, that the promises of the Prophets of old might be fulfilled, in the realm of visible existence.

O Jewish friends! His Holiness Kalim (Moses), from the precincts of the sacred Kingdom, is, at this very moment, voicing praises for your attraction and enkindlement (devotion). The Concourse in the realm above are lauding you and recounting your deeds. At every moment, the denizens of the spiritual realm raise aloud the call: "Blessed are ye!"

It is therefore my earnest wish that the Jewish friends will continue to render evident service to the Lord of the Friend (Abraham), and thereby augment the joy and happiness of His Holiness Abraham, in the lofty retreats of the Kingdom.

Upon you all rest the Glory of the All-Glorious!

(unauthorized translation)
Taken From Taj-i-Vahhaj: Memoirs of Jinab-i-Aziz’u’llah Azizi

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