Wednesday, June 20, 2018

One of the greatest scholar of Jewish background Professor Armin Vambery writes to Abdul Baha...

The venerable Professor Vambery, one of the greatest scholars of modern times, honored by Kings and Emperors, just a few weeks before his death (1913) wrote to Abdul-Baha, a long letter of sympathy and love, from which I give brief excerpts:

"I forward this humble petition to the sanctified and holy presence of Abdul-Baha, who is famous throughout the world and beloved by all mankind. Although I have traveled through many countries and cities of Islam, yet have I never met so lofty a character and so exalted a personage as your Excellency, and I can bear witness that it is not possible to find such another... I am hoping that the ideals and accomplishments of your Excellency may be crowned with success, Considering these results, every person is forced by necessity to enlist himself on the side of your Excellency and accept with joy the prospect of a fundamental basis for a Universal Religion God the Most High, confers long life, I will be able to serve you under all conditions."

"(Signed) Vambery"

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