Friday, July 23, 2010

His Excellency, Chaim Herzog visits the Baha'i World Centre (21 October 1984)

At 9:40 a.m. the President was formally received in Bahji, at the Collins Gate, by the nine members of the Universal House of Justice and escorted to the Mansion where Baha'u'llah spent His final years. There the President was greeted by the Hand of the Cause of God 'Ali-Akbar Furutan who conducted him to the room of Baha'u'llah and showed originals of some of Baha'u'llah's Tablets. Leaving the Mansion, the President paid his respects at the Sacred Tomb.

Proceeding to Haifa by official motorcade, the party alighted at the Mount Carmel gardens and visited the Shrine of the Bab. This was followed by a visit to the Seat of the Universal House of Justice which concluded with a formal luncheon in the banquet hall, in the President's honour. The visit of the first Head of State to call on the House of Justice in its permanent Seat was the occasion for the inaugural use of the splendid dining room, readied for the occasion by the dedicated efforts of dozens of skilled and devoted Baha'is serving at the World Centre.

Among those attending the historic event, in addition to the members of the Universal House of Justice and their wives, were the Hand of the Cause 'Ali-Akbar Furutan and the Mayor of Haifa, His Worship Arye Gurel, and Mrs. Gurel. An album of colour photographs of the major Baha'i Holy Places in Israel was presented to President Herzog by Mr. Hushmand Fatheazam (Hushmand Fathi-A'zam), on behalf of the Universal House of Justice. The President responded with expressions of sympathy for the suffering Baha'is of Iran and pride in the Baha'i community and its world-famed Holy Places.

The beauty of the Baha'i Holy Places, the splendour of the Faith's administrative centre, and the warmth of the welcome extended were the subjects of enthusiastic comment on the part of the President, his aide-de-camp and the Mayor of Haifa. (From Baha'i World)

It is indeed a great gesture on the part of President of Israel to visit our World Centre and have consultation with the world centre and then his expressions of sympathy for the suffering Baha'is of Iran and pride in the Baha'i community and its world-famed Holy Places.

But the question that remains unanswered is, Why we (the Baha'is) are not allowed to propagate in Israel !!!!

(Above Picture : His Excellency Chaim Herzog, President of the State of Israel, paid an official visit to the Baha'i World Centre on 21 October 1984 at the invitation of the Universal House of Justice.)

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